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 Post subject: SHOWDOWN Game Q&A for Tue. September 10, 2019
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:43 am 
Sir or Dame Postalot

Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:57 pm
Posts: 381
Warm-up Round (10 Questions, 500 Points each, 14 seconds to answer after posting of Question & 5 Choices; No Clues):/b]

1. Banff National Park, Canada's oldest National Park, is located in:_________________________.
[Choices: Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec ]

2. A person with great insight would be said to be:________________________.
[Choices: Ambidextrous, Clairvoyant, Oleaginous, Pusilanimous, Antediluvian ]

3. Which musical debuted in London in 1986 and on Broadway in 1988?________________________
[Choices: Mary Poppins, Rent, The Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, My Fair Lady ]

4. Remington, Beretta and Winchester are companies that make:____________________.
[Choices: Firearms, Firearms, Airplanes, Roofs, Yachts ]

5. Which verb means "to keep from happening"?_______________________
[Choices: Delineate, Contrive, Procure, Avert, Excoriate ]

6. Lima is the capital of this South American nation:______________________.
[Choices: Peru, Ghana, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador ]

7. A room designed to let people take off their dirty clothes or footwear is called a:_______________________.
[Choices: Master closet, Mud room, Water closet, Sun room, Pantry ]

8. Which country did NATO bomb with airstrikes in 1999?_____________________
[Choices: Andorra, Yugoslavia, Panama, South Sudan, Cuba ]

9. Countries on all the continents except ___________________ have hosted the Olympics.
[Choices: Australia, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa ]

10. This word, applied to one of the Moon's phases, means "convex or protruding":_________________________.
[Choices: Glebous, Gemmate, Gibbous, Gingham, Gabbro ]

[b]Countdown Round (12 Questions, 1000 Points each, Points decrease rapidly from 4 to 16 seconds, and with 3 Clues):

11. In 1859, miners in the Utah Territory discovered ____________________ in the Comstock Lode.
[Choices: Lead ore, Nickel ore, Silver ore, Copper ore, Platinum ore ]

12. Which country changed its capital city earlier this year?______________________
[Choices: Togo, Nuie, Croatia, Burundi, Nicaragua ]

13. Manatees belong to the Order of:_________________________.
[Choices: Lagomorphs, Rosicrucians, Sirenians, Pholidatas, Chiropterans ]

14. Fine Gael and Fianna Fail are Irish:__________________________.
[Choices: Festivals, Poets, Political parties, Castles, Cities ]

15. One of this movie's taglines was "In deadly danger...because they saw too much":_____________________.
[Choices: The Searchers, Kiss of the Spider Woman, Thelma & Louise, Rear Window, All About Eve ]

16. In the ongoing "DUNE" experiment, the "N" in the acronym stands for:__________________.
[Choices: Neutrino, Nanotech, Normal, Neuro, Nano ]

17. Philip Carey is a literary character created by:__________________________.
[Choices: W. Somerset Maugham, Sylvia Plath, Alexander Pope, Mickey Spillane, William Faulkner ]

18. The average human with black or brown hair has about ___________________ scalp hair follicles.
[Choices: 500,000; 900,000; 300,000; 700,000; 100,000 ]

19. The Anangu are a people indigenous to this continent:___________________.
[Choices: Australia, Antarctica, North America, Africa, South American ]

20. Which Apple product was discontinued in 2014?________________________
[Choices: iPhone, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Shuffle ]

21. It is one of the nine worlds of Norse mythology:__________________________.
[Choices: Allstedt, Helsingborg, Targaryen, Mors Martel, Niflheim ]

22. Which country gained its independence from Great Britain in 1956?______________________
[Choices: Indonesia, Albania, Morocco, Sudan, Costa Rica ]

Category Round (6 Questions, 1000 Points each, Points decrease from 4 to 20 seconds, and with 3 Clues; Category chosen by majority vote at each Site):

23.(a) Nasa space probes v ANCIENT ROME: In what year was Roman Emperor [sic] Julius Caesar assassinated?____________
[Choices: 55 A.D., 22 A.D., 44 B.C., 77 B.C., 11 B.C. ]

24.(a) Pen names v WORLD NEWS: Hurricane Dorian recently dealt a crushing blow to this island group:____________________.
[Choices: Bahamas, Cayman, Leeward, Virgin, Lesser Antilles ]

25.(a) Native Americans v ZOOLOGY: Arnoux's and Baird's are two varieties of beaked:______________________.
[Choices: Penguins, Squids, Salamanders, Whales, Puffins ]

26.(a) WORLD NEWS v Nasa space probes: More than 80,000 wildfires have taken place this year in:________________________.
[Choices: Norway, Angola, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Brazil ]

27.(a) ZOOLOGY v Pen names: The South American Greater Ani is a type of:______________________.
[Choices: Snake, Bird, Rodent, Tree , Lizard ]

28.(a) ANCIENT ROME v Native Americans: The Praetorian Guard was founded as a personal security detail by this Roman Emperor:____________________.
[Choices: Trajan, Nero, Augustus, Socrates, Virgil ]

Lightning Round (7 Questions: 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000 Points, but time to read & answer decreases from 15, 12, 10, 8, 7, 5 to 4 seconds):

29. What city serves as the capital of the Italian island of Sardinia?_______________________
[Choices: Valletta, Perugia, Caligari, Palermo, Ravenna ]

30. Who was the most streamed performing artist on Spotify in 2018?_____________________
[Choices: Jimmy Fallon, Drake, Taylor Swift, Perry Como, Cardi B ]

31. The Yellow Hat is the youngest school of Tibetan:_______________________.
[Choices: Sikhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism ]

32. What was the middle name of Mickey Mouse creator Walt Disney?_____________________
[Choices: Rogelio, Elias, Donald, Seth, Thomas ]

33. Cesium is a silvery-golden ___________________ metal.
[Choices: Alkali, Radioactive, Platinum, Lanthanide, Halogen ]

34. Travelers to Japan soon learn that "soba" refers to:______________________.
[Choices: Buckwheat noodles, Raw fish, Egg custard, Chicken soup, Baked cheese ]

35. An ochlocracy is a government ruled by:________________________.
[Choices: A mob, Priests, The rich, Intellectuals, Women ]

Dreaded Pyramid Round (5 Questions: 12000, 7000, 4000, 2000, 1000 Points for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Right out of 5; Time from post of Question & Choices = 16 seconds; No Clues):

36. Which animal is native to Southern Africa?_______________________
[Choices: Springbok, Emu, Capybara, Jaguar, Marmoset ]

37. The King of Rome was the title Napoleon Bonaparte gave to his _________________ in 1811.
[Choices: Cousin, Brother, Nephew, Father, Son ]

38. The deepest point of the Mississippi River is located near:______________________.
[Choices: Minneapolis, Memphis, St. Louis, Louisville, New Orleans ]

39. Which Charles Dickens character is an architect?________________________
[Choices: Bob Cratchit, Ernest Defarge, Wilkins Macawber, Alfred Jingle, Seth Pecksniff ]

40. Which of these is classified as a poplar tree?__________________________
[Choices: Apple, Birch, Pine, Cottonwood, Juniper ]

Final Jeopardy Question on INVENTIONS (50% Bonus if Right Immediately; Points decrease rapidly from 4 to 20 seconds, and with 3 Clues; 50% Deduction if Final Choice is Wrong):

41. The compass was invented in _______________________ more than 2,000 years ago.
[Choices: Spain, Venice, China, Arabia, Greece ]


1. Alberta [I (REACH) at Whispers Bar, Ottawa ON pre-called this one, perhaps a tad harder for our American friends to distinguish from British Columbia; see .]

2. Clairvoyant [Dai (BLADOR) pre-called "perspicacious", which was a better answer than "clairvoyant", but not one of the 5 Choices; see . As for "clairvoyant", Ambrose Bierce's definition is better: "n. A person, commonly a woman, who has the power of seeing that which is invisible to her patron, namely, that he is a blockhead"; see . Note the misspelling of "pusillanimous" in the Choices.]

3. Phantom of the Opera [A pre-call for "Rent" threw us, but we realized 1986 was too early (for 1996) and started on Broadway instead of London, so I suggested Phantom. See ... 86_musical) ]

4. Firearms [there was a pre-call for "typewriters", but then a chorus of calls for "Firearms". But which one? (BOTH Choices 1 & 2 were identical as "Firearms". Most of us stuck with Choice #1, with only six (including GEEK, ITS2, BPBOOM, & GRYFON) getting the 500 Points (750 Points at the end of the game, since the Final Question was a gimme) for Choice #2, amid a loud chorus of boos and hisses. Since 750 Points can be important in a tournament, this was just sloppy proofreading on the part of the Quizmaster. Inexcusable!!! See , , and ... ms_Company .
As for the initial pre-call based on Remington Rand, Dai quipped that "nothing is as dangerous as a typewriter in the hands of a journalist". ]

5. Avert [Dai called this first; see ]

6. Peru [Dai pre-called this first; see ]

7. Mud room [Andrew C (GRYFON) pre-called this; Dai pre-called "Vestibule"; see and ]

8. Yugoslavia [Dai pre-called "Serbia", but we all recognized that in 1999 Montenegro was still part of Yugoslavia with Serbia; see ... Yugoslavia ]

9. Africa [despite a pre-call for "Antarctica" which was not one of the 5 Choices, and some confusion over the fact that South Africa hosted the 1995 Rugby World Cup, we got this straightened out in time; see the section "List of Summer Olympic Games" at . Both South America and Africa have not yet hosted the Winter Olympic Games; see .]

10. Gibbous [another pre-call by Dai; see the section "Phases of the Moon" at and ]

11. Silver ore [a wrong pre-call for "gold" was corrected by me; see . I mentioned that Virginia City, Nevada was on the map which catches on fire at the intro to the TV show "Bonanza"; see ]

12. Burundi [I pre-called "Indonesia" which was not one of the 5 Choices (its capital has not yet been moved from Jakarta). Dai noted the misspelling of "Niue" as "Nuie", so our attention shifted to a wrong Choice where we lost most of the 1000 Points; see and . ]

13. Sirenians [Dai pre-called this one; see ]

14. Political parties [another Dai pre-call; see ... of_Ireland ]

15. Rear Window [I guessed this for 889 Points; see ]

16. Neutrino [Dai and I called this, but some were sucked into choosing "Neuro" because the first 3 letters (NEU) are the same; see ... Experiment (not "Deep Underground Nutrino Experiment" as mentioned in the factoid which appeared after the Answer was revealed).
I mentioned that the DUNE experiment may be the one in Antarctica, but I had confused this with the IceCube experiment; see ... bservatory . Physicists are still trying to measure any finite lifetime for proton decay; see ]

17. W. Somerset Maugham [I guessed this for 608 Points after "Spillane" was eliminated at the first Clue; Dai guessed this for 1000 Points from the sound of the names in Maugham's characters. See . Earlier this year I had watched the 1934 movie version which made Bette Davis a star, but I can't remember new names any more (and Leslie Howard's crippled character is a wimp); see ... (1934_film) ]

18. 100,000 [a quantitative answer where we all guessed wrong until the 3rd Clue, for less than 180 Points. See and ]

19. Australia [we wrongly guessed Africa, needing Clues to salvage a couple hundred Points; see ]

20. iPod Classic [Jean (LESTER) and Dai called this one; see ]

21. Niflheim [another pre-call by Dai; see ]

22. Sudan [after a wrong pre-call for Ghana, Jean and Andrew C called this one first; see . 1000 Points for BPBOOM (Round Winner), Dave (YELDOR), Chris (CEEZED) and others. The other Choices could be easily eliminated. ]

23.(a) 44 B.C. [see . Note that Julius Caesar was not an Emperor of Rome (Augustus Caesar being the first Emperor), so the Question was wrongly worded. ]

24.(a) Bahamas [Myfanwy (SPRAJO) pre-called "Hurricane Dorian" immediately after we had chosen the Category "WORLD NEWS"; see ]

25.(a) Whales [Dai pre-called this, and Andrew C agreed; see . Myfanwy nixed "Penguins" as a Choice, from her knowledge of the different species of the birds. ]

26.(a) Brazil [Andrew C pre-called "Amazon"; see ... _wildfires . For those unaware of world history, Chico Mendes was assassinated in 1988, 31 years ago, for opposing conversion of Amazon rain forest to farmland, usually by fire; see . As I recall, about 50 years ago, people were dynamiting indigenous Brazilians from airplanes in order to clear them from the forest, part of a sorry history of exploitation and environmental degradation; see ... _in_Brazil .

We in North America can also be accused of exploitation and near-genocide; see ... us_peoples . If the term "genocide" is to be restricted to complete extinction of a peoples, we know for sure that Newfoundland (which became part of Canada in 1949) has a documented case, for Shanawdithit, who died in 1829, was the last known living member of the Beothuk people; see and . The Beothuk spread red ochre (iron oxide) over their bodies, a possible origin for the term "redskins" for North American aboriginal peoples; Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) claimed Newfoundland for England in 1497, so this was an early contact.

Ishi, the last Yahi, died in 1916, although arguably related tribes survived in northern California; see . An excellent PBS biography in the American Experience series may be available at (56:43)

In defense of mainstream Canadians, land claims were partially settled in a series of Numbered Treaties from 1871 to 1921; see . Some terms have not been honoured, and some need drastic updates for inflation; according to Treaty 6, "each person immediately received CA$12 and an additional $5 a year" (see ).]

27.(a) Bird [Andrew C pre-called "a cuckoo"; see . Phil (BSLXPN) wondered if "Ani" was the plural of "Anus". ]

28.(a) Augustus [most of us went with the first Emperor, but there was a call for "Nero" because the Praetorian Guard became agents in the course of history later. See and . I mentioned that in the 1976 TV series "I, Claudius", the sinister, cunning plotter Sejanus was played by a young Patrick Stewart; see,_Claudius_(TV_series) ]

29. Cagliari [after a wrong pre-call for "Palermo" on mistaking "Sicily" for "Sardinia", Dai noted the misspelling of "Cagliari" ("Caligari" appears in the early horror movie "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"); see and ]

30. Drake [There was a wrong pre-call for "Taylor Swift", but I suggested "Drake", so our Answers were split. See ... -2018-news ]

31. Buddhism [see ; we went with the obvious "Buddhism" for "Tibet".]

32. Elias [Dai pre-called this one; see ]

33. Alkali [I pre-called this one; see ]

34. Buckwheat noodles [Jean (LESTER) called this one; see ]

35. A mob [I called this one; see the section "Terminology" at and the section "Influence" at . In Polybius' theory of the cycle of governments, early rule by a good monarch (king) can end up in a tyranny by a bad king who can be deposed by a small number of virtuous, knowledgeable, competent men (an aristocracy ). But over time, power and wealth corrupt, and the aristocracy become an overbearing oligarchy who fancy themselves a deserving intellectual elite, sheltered from the needs of the ordinary people. Then they must be overthrown by the majority, who run a democracy. But over time they want more and more free stuff, become corrupted, and end up in mob rule with no consideration for minority rights, an ochlocracy . Then order must be restored, perhaps after a divisive civil war, with iron rule by a single man, a good king, and the cycle repeats. This cycle may be seen in various revolutions throughout history.

In the second century B.C., Polybius explained that the Roman Republic had a balance of powers to prevent these wide swings in the form of government. There were 2 consuls elected with Executive power, a Senate of influential aristocrats, and tribunes to represent the plebs. The Founding Fathers of the American Republic were well aware of Polybius' theory, explaining why they wanted a separation of powers (after all, they had separated from Britain by armed rebellion against an overseas Tyrant, George III). Polybius did not live to see the Roman Republic replaced by the Roman Empire, headed by an Emperor who could become a tyrant.... Perhaps Polybius' theory ought to be widely taught and discussed, for human "nature" may not have changed much in 2200 years, putting the lie to illusions of progress in human affairs, despite obvious improvements in technology and wealth. ]

36. Springbok [see ]

37. Son [most of us missed this one, going with "Brother"; Neil (LETHE) and his helpers, including Tom (TTHEB) who play downstairs at Whispers Bar, got this right. See . Andrew C had said "I thought his brother was the King of Spain"; he was thinking of older brother Joseph (see who became King of Naples and Sicily, later King of Spain as well). Dai said "Napoleon had several brothers"; he was thinking of younger brother Louis (see , King of Holland). Napoleon Bonaparte's nephew (cousin of Napoleon II) became Napoleon III. A really good Question which separated the most knowledgeable Sites and Players (sadly, not us).]

38. New Orleans [another hard Question that we missed (we went with St. Louis). See the section "Depth" at .]

39. Seth Pecksniff [I eliminated Bob Cratchit (A Christmas Carol), Ernest Defarge (A Tale of Two Cities), and Wilkins Micawber (David Copperfield - though note the misspelling "Macawber" in the Question). Between Alfred Jingle and Seth Pecksniff, I guessed the more unusual names; see . Alfred Jingle is from The Pickwick Papers, something I did not know; see ]

40. Cottonwood [from the wording, I guessed the poplar tree would be in a unique or specialized situation, so I was ready to pre-call "Cottonwood" trees which grow on the banks of rivers in otherwise dry, flat plains, but there was a call for "Birch" which turned out to be wrong. See .]

41. China [see ]

Last edited by REACH on Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: SHOWDOWN Game Q&A for Tue. July 30, 2019
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:04 am 
Lotsa Posta

Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:33 am
Posts: 710
The category PEN NAMES might just as easily been presented as 19TH C FRENCH AUTHORS.

24.(b). Marie-Henri Beyle is more commonly recognized by this one-word appellation: STENDHAL.

27.(b). George Sand was the pen name of: AMANTINE DUPIN. (Actually Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin: to friends and family she was known as Aurore.)

 Post subject: Re: SHOWDOWN Game Q&A for Tue. July 30, 2019
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:54 pm 
First Palindrome

Joined: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:11 am
Posts: 11
You wrote: (a) 44 B.C. [see . Note that Julius Caesar was not an Emperor of Rome (Augustus Caesar being the first Emperor), so the Question was wrongly worded. ]

It would actually, I believe, be more accurate to say "most historians consider Augustus the first emperor as they consider the Empire as having started with the Principate, which was a construction of Augustus." I would note that the etymology of the word "emperor" generally considers it derived from the Roman military office Imperator (one entitled to a Triumph) which was voted on by the subject's troops. I would also note both Gaius Julius Caesar and his nephew Gaius Octavius Thurinus, who later was adopted by Julius Caesar had been voted "Imperator" several times. I really didn't have much quarrel with their question.

( em·per·or
noun: emperor; plural noun: emperors; noun: tawny emperor; plural noun: tawny emperors

a sovereign ruler of great power and rank, especially one ruling an empire.
synonyms: ruler, sovereign, king, monarch, potentate, lord, overlord; More
rareethnarch, autarch
"the Emperor of Austria"
an orange and brown North American butterfly with a swift dodging flight, breeding chiefly on hackberries.

Middle English (especially representing the title given to the head of the Roman Empire): from Old French emperere, from Latin imperator ‘military commander’, from imperare ‘to command’, from in- ‘towards’ + parare ‘prepare, contrive’.)

"The Roman Empire" is a relatively modern idea, neither Julius Caesar nor his nephew (Augustus) would have had the slightest idea what you were writing about.

Next, since I've already taken the time to log on, I would like to mention your comment that some on your team thought the origin of the Praetorian Guard might be Nero since they remembered some TV show, based on something or another by Robert Graves, which mentioned Sejanus. I would pass on to you Michael Grant's comment that "one must be careful of Robert Graves, as his Latin is not the best." Sejanus, who became a powerful figure in Rome after Tiberius moved to the Isle of Capri, was Praetorian Prefect (Pontius Pilate was one of his clients, as an aside) during that period. Tiberius had him executed by the Senate in a Saddam Hussein moment in 31 of the common era. What in the world he has to do with Nero I find puzzling.

 Post subject: Re: SHOWDOWN Game Q&A for Tue. July 30, 2019
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:42 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:17 pm
Posts: 194
25. NATIVE AMERICANS vs. zoology.
The People of the White Rock are the ACOMA.

(I don't think I need to say this, but just in case: This is From September 10, 2019, not July 30, 2019.)

--Rick Magnus
RickM, Blue Goose

REACH wrote:

[b]Category Round (6 Questions, 1000 Points each, Points decrease from 4 to 20 seconds, and with 3 Clues; Category chosen by majority vote at each Site):

25.(a) Native Americans v ZOOLOGY: Arnoux's and Baird's are two varieties of beaked:______________________.
[Choices: Penguins, Squids, Salamanders, Whales, Puffins ]


25.(a) Whales [Dai pre-called this, and Andrew C agreed; see . Myfanwy nixed "Penguins" as a Choice, from her knowledge of the different species of the birds. ]

 Post subject: Re: SHOWDOWN Game Q&A for Tue. July 30, 2019
PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:35 pm 
Lotsa Posta

Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:33 am
Posts: 710
RickM wrote:
25. NATIVE AMERICANS vs. zoology.
The People of the White Rock are the ACOMA.

(I don't think I need to say this, but just in case: This is From September 10, 2019, not July 30, 2019.)

Was this a repeat question? I dutifully went back to the July 30 quiz, which, in retrospect, I could only half-remember playing. Got a 57K out of it, but couldn't recall the key words, White Rock or Acoma, and all I could find was Choctaw and Oklahoma. The issue, as RickM was too delicate to specify, is that REACH misplaced the date of his most recent Recap by six weeks. What are we to learn from this?

The integrity of the press (on whom we depend in questions of debate) is inviolable, but REACH's sleeping habits are nothing to emulate.

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