Hey guys! I hope this post is all right. As you may or may not know, I run an indie puzzle magazine called Topple. It has always had a sort of trivia game but with the most recent issue I've introduced a new game called Trivia Master. It's pretty simple. You are asked five trivia questions and if you can get at least 3 correct, you prove you are worthy of the title Trivia Master.
There are also 9 other games to play in this issue, and the whole thing costs $1 to download. From there you either view it on the device of your choice and solve mentally/with scratch paper or you print it out for a more tactile experience (the intended way to enjoy the magazine).
https://www.topplemag.com/products/topple-5That is the URL for the most recent issue. If you're feeling adventurous, please give it a try!