New Scaratings

Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...
Page 56 of 62

Author:  pengwn [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

Lady Gaga's next outrageous outfit will be crafted from back hair our very own CLOUDY self-shaved and mailed to her for last Christmas

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

pengwn, the flightless bird he claims to be, was gratified to find that Cloudy had dressed up in a penguin suit. They both sauntered off to the nearest NTN bar. It was quite a hike & made quite a cute couple.


Author:  Cloudy [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  ICEMAN was supposed to go along with us, but...

pengwn, the flightless bird he claims to be, was gratified to find that Cloudy had dressed up in a penguin suit. They both sauntered off to the nearest NTN bar. It was quite a hike & made quite a cute couple.


ICEMAN was supposed to go along with us, but he screwed up and showed up wearing a Big Bird costume. We could have worked things out, but ICEMAN scoffed at Pengwn and me, and launched into singing "Yellow Bird" at the top of his lungs. His loud and off key screeching of the song caused someone to call the cops. When they showed up, he refused to stop belting the song out, and they arrested him.


"Officer, you're arresting the wrong guy. I want a lawyer. I plead the fifth. I'm innocent. I was framed."

ICEMAN, next time you try to sing "Yellow Bird", don't screech it out at the top of your lungs. Sing it softly and sweetly. The Kingston Trio would like to help you with this:

Author:  pengwn [ Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

CLOUDY also has a rap sheet related to Sesame Street, but his crime was showing off his "woolly Snuffleupagus" :o

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

pengwn has a serious drinking problem. It has got to the point where he he can't sit on his ledge & pound away on the playmaker any more. Shame, shame...


Author:  teverett [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

iceman is melting away

Author:  teverett [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

This thread will not die. Come on gang - someone has to have baseless lie to post.

Here's one. Cloudy secretly has a tattoo of the University of Kentucky logo on his left ass cheek. It seems that our dear friend spent a night in Tijuana with some tequila and a few other things. He asked for a Louisville logo, and the gringo only heard Kentucky and put that tattoo on Cloudy's cheek...

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

Looks like we have another Cloudy wannabe... tsk, tsk.

Well, anyway... teverett wears granny panties... to the beach.

Author:  SEKA [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

pengwn wrote:
Lady Gaga's next outrageous outfit will be crafted from back hair our very own CLOUDY self-shaved and mailed to her for last Christmas

Ssshhhh! Not so loud! Don't give Lady Gaga any ideas! :lol:

Author:  pengwn [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

Why has SEKA been away from trivia forums for so long?

Well, the answer is Seka was hoping to beat the Perrier and San Pellegrino people at the lucrative sparkling water game with a more sophisticated gimmick than mere carbonation for making the water bubbly. Alas, the business plan had to be abandoned, because despite several years of effort, it has proven impossible to breed miniature flatulent clams

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

pengwn went shopping at Costco this weekend.
He picked up three gallons of peanut butter.
His dog thanks him. :shock:

Author:  pengwn [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

THE ICEMAN wants to be more attractive to the ladies, so he's started licking magnets on an hourly basis

This weekend he was nearly busted for public intoxication, after a deputy noticed him walking past a chain-link fence

Author:  zog741 [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

pengwn was the centerfold on the March 1996 National Geographic.

-- RWM

Author:  Cloudy [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  It's only 733 miles from the Ukraine to Albania...

Our Zog is a direct descendent of King Zog of Albania. Though he is an American, he still remains very patriotic to Albania. I've heard that our Zog is so upset about Russia's invasion of the Ukraine may only be the first step towards a takeover of the Balkans, that he is now in the Ukraine to help them fend off any further Russian advances towards Albania.

I can promise you that the Ruskies will not get past ZOG, because he knows that it is only 733 miles from the Ukraine to his beloved Albania.

p.s. Zog I'd be there with you, if I weren't nearly 68 years old and hobbled by osteoporosis in my right hip. :lol:

p.p.s. Yesterday, I got my permanent Handicapped Parking Sticker from the Department of Motor Vehicles. (No Joke.)

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

Cloudy is actually from the planet "Xocolatl".
He has come to this planet to scout the way for an invasion, the purpose of which would to be the seizure of all Hershey bars, M&M's & even all the boxes Count Chocula they can find.
Protect your Milk Duds people.

Author:  Cloudy [ Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Cute, ICEMAN...

Cloudy is actually from the planet "Xocolatl".
He has come to this planet to scout the way for an invasion, the purpose of which would to be the seizure of all Hershey bars, M&M's & even all the boxes Count Chocula they can find.
Protect your Milk Duds people.

Cute, ICEMAN... but not true.

Actually, I came to the planet Earth seeking beer. You've got the wrong planet that I came from. My planet had no name. It was a dying planet. When all the hops and barley plants wilted and died, I knew that the planet Earth was the place to go, if I ever wanted to chug down a brewski again, after I picked up TV Beer commercials from Earth on my interocitor. No, my friend, I have come to Earth to drink beer and to serve man.

Now for the truth. ICEMAN and his buddie Giovanna Maggiolo came from another dying planet in the same solar system that I came from. Their mission is to take over the Earth by making all Earthlings so obese from eating sweets that when their main invasion force lands, the roly-poly Earthlings they have to face, will be in no shape to put up a fight. If you've gone to a Walmart lately, and looked at the people, who are there, I think you will realise that ICEMAN and his buddie Giovanna Maggiolo have accomplished their part of the invasion plan. :lol:

Author:  Cloudy [ Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  ZOG and Barbie...

ZOG got a life-size inflatable Barbie doll for Christmas, when he was a senior in high school. He really liked it and kept it in his bedroom. He should have left Barbie there instead of taking her to the senior ball as his date. :lol:

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

Not too bright, are you Cloudy? Once again you feel the need to break the rules. Image What the hell are we going to do with you? Image

Meanwhile, when Cloudy was young he used to put underwear on puppies just to give them wedgies.

Author:  Cloudy [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Give me a Mulligan...

Not too bright, are you Cloudy? Once again you feel the need to break the rules. Image What the hell are we going to do with you? Image

Meanwhile, when Cloudy was young he used to put underwear on puppies just to give them wedgies.

Give me a Mulligan... I'm still trying to catch up on threads that I have for the most part been away from for nealy three months. I scroll up and down on them looking for others' posts that I feel like I need to reply to. When I saw ZOG's post, I thought I needed to give it a humorous reply. Mind you that this was after more than a few brewskis, and I forgot the rules for this thread. Please forgive me.

Now, I guess I need to post a baseless lie about ICEMAN.

ICEMAN was at the same senior ball as ZOG. After his date went to the ladies' room and didn't return for over an hour, ICEMAN started looking around the place for another woman to dance with. He saw many cute girls, that looked like they might be bored with the guys, who had brought them to the ball. There were a lot of them, but once he saw ZOG's gal, he knew that she was ripe for the picking. Boldly, ICEMAN cut in on ZOG and inflatable Barbie on the dance floor. After one close slow dance with her, he escourted her to his car, and took her home. The next morning, when he woke up, he noticed that Barbie had deflated. No problem for ICEMAN. He drove on down to Lowe's, and bought a roll of flesh colored duct tape and a bicyle pump. As I understand it, ICEMAN and ZOG's life-size inflatable Barbie are still together. Good move ICEMAN, I think she must be a pretty cheap date, when you take her out to restaurants and bars. :lol: :lol: :lol:

p.s. Is she any good at trivia? :lol:

Author:  SEKA [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

pengwn wrote:
Why has SEKA been away from trivia forums for so long?

Well, the answer is Seka was hoping to beat the Perrier and San Pellegrino people at the lucrative sparkling water game with a more sophisticated gimmick than mere carbonation for making the water bubbly. Alas, the business plan had to be abandoned, because despite several years of effort, it has proven impossible to breed miniature flatulent clams

Actually, you are more closer to the truth about me than you think. ;)

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

SEKA wrote:

Actually, you are more closer to the truth about me than you think. ;)

"More closer"? :?

SEKA walks in his sleep believing he is in fact the legendary
He generally wakes up the next morning with the next door neighbors at his door demanding that he return their Great Dane. :shock:

Author:  Cloudy [ Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  ICEMAN leads a charmed life...

ICEMAN leads a charmed life...

While on his recent tour of the Far East, he was booked on Malaysia Airlines flight 370 to visit Bejing. When the airline's representative at the gate announced that the flight was overbooked, and they were looking for volunteers to take a later flight and receive a $600 voucher for future flights, he decided to volunteer to be bumped.

This was not the first time ICEMAN cheated the Grim Reaper. In 1956, while returning from an Italian tour, he got to the dock five minutes after the Andrea Doria had put to sea. He would have made it in time to board, if he hadn't overslept after sleeping off a night of drinking way too much Chianti.

Anyway, I must give you all some good advice. If you ever happen to be on a trip with ICEMAN to India, and for some reason he doesn't board the train to see the Agra, DON'T GET ON THAT TRAIN...!

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Baseless Lies About the Person Above You...

Cloudy is a dyed-in-the-wool NY Yankee fan.

(poor bastiche)

Author:  Cloudy [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  ICEMAN's favorite baseball teams are...

ICEMANS's favorite baseball teams are:

1- The Boston Braves

2- The Saint Louis Browns

3- The Washington Senators

4- The Kansas City Athletics

5- The Brooklyn Dodgers

6- The New York Giants

7- The Philadelphia Athletics

8- The Colt 45's

9- The Toronto Maple Leaves

He bets big money on each one of them every year, thinking that surely one of them will eventually win the World Series. I can't bring myself to tell ICEMAN that it is impossible for any of his favorite teams to ever win the World Series. I'll leave it to Liljol to explain this to him. :lol:

Author:  Cloudy [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  ICEMAN's favorite baseball teams are...

ICEMANS's top ten favorite baseball teams are:

1- The Boston Braves

2- The Saint Louis Browns

3- The Washington Senators

4- The Kansas City Athletics

5- The Brooklyn Dodgers

6- The New York Giants

7- The Philadelphia Athletics

8- The Colt 45's

9- The Milwaukee Braves

10- The Toronto Maple Leaves

He bets big money on each one of them every year, thinking that surely one of them will eventually win the World Series. I can't bring myself to tell ICEMAN that it is impossible for any of his ten favorite teams to ever win the World Series. I'll leave it to Liljol to explain this to him. :lol:

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