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Obscure movies you like...
Page 32 of 35

Author:  Nomar [ Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

Jim wrote:
The Best Years Of Our Lives ... _Our_Lives

Best Picture of 1946. It's a real glimpse post war America. It belongs here because so many trivia players I've known over the years that are professed movie buffs and can quote dates, awards and actors have never seen this movie.

I wonder how many people have watched Buzztime favorite The Bicycle Thief? Obscure gems get overlooked by their nature, but there are a number of big great films that are also being overlooked today.

Best Years Of Our Lives is an outstanding movie. I usually try to catch it when it is on TCM.

Author:  Cloudy [ Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  "Paul McCartney in Red Square"


"Paul McCartney in Red Square" (2005) is a music documentary with some commentary thrown in between songs every now and then. I just received it in the mail and watched it today. I highly recommend it, not only for Paul McCartney's music, but for the interesting commentary as well. You can pick it up on for less than what a six pack of beer costs. (I was tempted to say "For a song.")

I truly think that most of you, who grew up with the Beatles, will love "Paul McCartney in Red Square".

Here's some video from it:

Here's some more:

(I think I picked out DANTE in the crowd at approximately 50 seconds into this clip. He's only on camera for a nanosecond. It's a close up shot. See if you can find him. Oh, by the way, DANTE does speak Russian, which is not a joke.)

Oh, what the heck, here's one more:

p.s. If you watch the whole video, I think there are two questions you need to ask yourself. "Are all Russian women really that beautiful?", and "How could anybody ever trust Vladimir Putin?"

p.p.s. I would love to hear your comments about this documentary music film.

Author:  spotes [ Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

Jim wrote:
The Best Years Of Our Lives ... _Our_Lives

Best Picture of 1946. It's a real glimpse post war America. It belongs here because so many trivia players I've known over the years that are professed movie buffs and can quote dates, awards and actors have never seen this movie.

I wonder how many people have watched Buzztime favorite The Bicycle Thief? Obscure gems get overlooked by their nature, but there are a number of big great films that are also being overlooked today.

TBYOOL is one of about ten Wyler films that I would rate as required viewing. When I first saw The Bicycle Thief I was around twenty and thought that the acting was incredibly amateurish. I found out years later that De Sica hired all non-actors, including some right on location.
I felt redeemed somehow for being underwhelmed. :mrgreen:

Author:  Cloudy [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  What a fool am I...

spotes wrote:
TBYOOL is one of about ten Wyler films that I would rate as required viewing. When I first saw The Bicycle Thief I was around twenty and thought that the acting was incredibly amateurish. I found out years later that De Sica hired all non-actors, including some right on location.

I felt redeemed somehow for being underwhelmed. :mrgreen:

What a fool am I...

SPOTES comes up with some great obscure movies, so I searched Google for what I thought was another one of his recommendations. It was a strange title, but I kept looking for it for about 10 or 15 minutes. Suddenly it hit me. "TBYOOL" is not a movie title, it's an abbreviation of "The Best Years of Our Lives". Duh... :oops:

Author:  FrankC [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

Here is a real stinker of an obscure movie that I am watching now.

Author:  Cloudy [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  I meant to post this earlier...

I meant to post this earlier, but before it's too late I would like to also say that Jim's recommendation of "The Best Years of Our Lives" is a very good movie. As usual, I'm going to add the theater poster for the movie, and it's trailer.


Here's the trailer:

(It is perhaps one of the worst trailers ever, and does not do the movie justice.)

Author:  Cloudy [ Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  We all need to see the trailer...

Frank, we all need to see the trailer to the great movie, "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter".

Here it is:

Author:  Cloudy [ Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  "Lost Horizon"


"Lost Horizon" (1937) directected by Frank Capra (FrankC ???), and staring Ronald Coleman, Jane Wyatt, Edward Evertt Horton, and John Howard is a great movie. I think that it may only considered "obscure", because I doubt many younger people have ever seen it. Whether you are young or old, and have never watched this movie, I strongly recommend that you do. Even though it is in black & white, I think you will really enjoy this movie.

Here's a short clip from the early part of the movie:

(I'm not really happy with this clip, but it's the best I could find that didn't show the full movie. The trailer totally sucked.)

Author:  Cloudy [ Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  "The Black Room"


"The Black Room" (1935) starring Boris Karloff (Playing two roles.), is a pretty darn good movie, and I would recommend it for those of you, who have never seen it. It's not a goofy monster movie, the acting is good, and it tells a suspenceful story that will keep you interested as you gobble down a couple bowls of popcorn, while watching it.

Here's some film footage from the movie:

Author:  Cloudy [ Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  "The Red House"


"The Red House" (1947) starring Edward G. Robinson, is a psychological thriller worth seeing. Though the movie has a famous star, I doubt many have have ever heard of it, let alone seen it. If you can find it, watch it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised as how a good movie it is.

Couldn't find a trailer, so here's a link to the entire movie:

(It starts out a little slowly, but believe me things will pick up.)

Author:  Cloudy [ Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  "Being There"


"Being There" (1979) starring Peter Sellers and Shirley MacLaine (and some other good actors) is a movie that you must see! Is it a comedy...? Yeah, I guess so, but perhaps it has a message too, that might give you something to think about. I highly recommend this movie to those of you, who have never seen it. "Being there" is on MY 100 best movies of all time list. :D

Here's some footage from the movie:

p.s. I didn't know if I should post this movie, because for me it isn't obscure, but I think that many of you have never seen it, let alone heard of it, so I put it up here.

Author:  spotes [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

Forgot how crappy Shivers was and watched it again.
Will I never learn? :(
Cronenberg is one of those guys whose fame is inversely proportional to the number of quality movies he's made.
And his not directing Xtro may be a mystery humans were never meant to solve...

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

At the risk of posting the cheesiest movie ever...
I present... "The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"...

Perhaps it is not all that obscure but it certainly has a cheesy aspect to it...

Author:  Cloudy [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  A directory to every movie on this thread is on page 23.

For new people reading this thread, a directory to every movie recommended or mentioned here can be found on page 23 , which will tell you what page you can find them on.

I update it to add new movies that people post here on a regular basis.

However, I have a concern. As I keep increasing the size of page 23 bit by bit, I worry that at some point it might grow large enough to start moving movies that come on pages after it to a higher page number than where the directory says you can find them. This problem probably won't occur any time soon, but eventually it will. I'm thinking that there are two possible ways to deal with this. One would be to copy and move the directory to the most recent page. The other would be to have to go back and move effected movies to the next page as needed.

I would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions about this. :D

Author:  Cloudy [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  "Play Dirty"


"Play Dirty" (1968/1969) starring Michael Caine and Nigel Davenport, is a DHB recommendation that he asked me to pass along.

I've have never seen it, but from what I've heard and read about it, its plot sounds like a poor man's "Dirty Dozen" rip off. It's a WW-II flick.

Here's some video of the film:

Author:  spotes [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

Cloudy wrote:
spotes wrote:
If you think it's bad now just wait until Colossus and Guardian* get their act together.

*You see kids, before Skynet became the buzzword, there was this fun little book by D.F. Jones...

What or who are "Colossus and Guardian"...?

You young smart guys keep throwing these new things at an old man, who has absolutely no idea about what you are talking about. I'm thinking about giving FrankC a call to see if he can explain "Colossus and Guardian" to me. :lol:

p.s. What the Hell is "Skynet"? What kind of dumb buzzword could it be? Who is D.F. Jones? Please tell me what his little fun book is called, and what it is about. :D

p.p.s. I know what a drag it must be to try to teach old farts stuff that they probably won't understand anyway. :lol:

Colossus: The Forbin Project

The book:

The movie: ... in_Project

Skynet is from The Terminator series and currently ranks #1 in its weight class among the geek world as the "go-to" reference for the inevitable overthrow of mankind by the machine hierarchy.
It's readily apparent that the kids don't know the voice of world control when they hear it...

Author:  Cloudy [ Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

spotes wrote:
Cloudy wrote:
spotes wrote:
If you think it's bad now just wait until Colossus and Guardian* get their act together.

*You see kids, before Skynet became the buzzword, there was this fun little book by D.F. Jones...

What or who are "Colossus and Guardian"...?

You young smart guys keep throwing these new things at an old man, who has absolutely no idea about what you are talking about. I'm thinking about giving FrankC a call to see if he can explain "Colossus and Guardian" to me. :lol:

p.s. What the Hell is "Skynet"? What kind of dumb buzzword could it be? Who is D.F. Jones? Please tell me what his little fun book is called, and what it is about. :D

p.p.s. I know what a drag it must be to try to teach old farts stuff that they probably won't understand anyway. :lol:

Colossus: The Forbin Project

The book:

The movie: ... in_Project

Skynet is from The Terminator series and currently ranks #1 in its weight class among the geek world as the "go-to" reference for the inevitable overthrow of mankind by the machine hierarchy.
It's readily apparent that the kids don't know the voice of world control when they hear it...

I think FrankC has already mentioned "Colossus: The Forbin Poject", a movie that I really like. However it's too late for me tonight to ask you any cogent questions about the rest of your post. Keep that smart stuff coming, and eventually I might come up with some kind of intelligent reply. :lol:

p.s. "I've never made the same mistake once." is a quote that I have given you credit for that has given many people laughter once they hear it. In my book, you are up there with Mark Twain and Will Rogers. :D

Author:  tiefly [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

Surprised that no one has mentioned any of Russ Meyer's movies.

Author:  THE ICEMAN [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

tiefly wrote:
Surprised that no one has mentioned any of Russ Meyer's movies.
You mean like this one?

Author:  Cloudy [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  "Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" an ICEMAN recomendation...

tiefly wrote:
Surprised that no one has mentioned any of Russ Meyer's movies.
You mean like this one?


"Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" (1965) is an ICEMAN recomendation, which I have never seen, let alone heard of. It might be good, but I've got a feeling that this is probably a movie that you don't want to watch with your kids, grandkids, or anyone elses.

Here's the trailer to the movie (Watch it at your own risk.):

Author:  tiefly [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

tiefly wrote:
Surprised that no one has mentioned any of Russ Meyer's movies.
You mean like this one?


If only he directed midgets!

UP & Common Law Cabin, along with Vixen are other Russ choices.

Author:  spotes [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obscure movies you like...

tiefly wrote:
If only he directed midgets!

What are you talking about?
Most of the women in his films are described on the cover as being 44" sex kittens.
Oh, wait...

Author:  Cloudy [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  I may have asked this before...

I may have asked this before, and someone may have answered my question. However, I can't remember.

There was a movie that I saw probably 25 or 30 years ago. It's likely that it was a "made for TV film". The story was about a writer, who lived in the eastern part of the United States, who's novel was being adapted into a movie in Hollywood. He flew out there to help in the filming of it, leaving his family behind for what was only supposed to be a short time. However, he became caught up with the Hollywood life, and stayed there much longer than what was planned. Life in Hollywood was like a narcotic for him, it consumed him, and eventually dragged his life into one of despair.

Does anyone recall the name of this movie?

Author:  tiefly [ Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I may have asked this before...

Cloudy wrote:
I may have asked this before, and someone may have answered my question. However, I can't remember.

There was a movie that I saw probably 25 or 30 years ago. It's likely that it was a "made for TV film". The story was about a writer, who lived in the eastern part of the United States, who's novel was being adapted into a movie in Hollywood. He flew out there to help in the filming of it, leaving his family behind for what was only supposed to be a short time. However, he became caught up with the Hollywood life, and stayed there much longer than what was planned. Life in Hollywood was like a narcotic for him, it consumed him, and eventually dragged his life into one of despair.

Does anyone recall the name of this movie?

Sounds like Fitzgerald's real life. Of course, his wife was in the nut house.

Author:  Cloudy [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  I don't think that's it...

tiefly wrote:
Cloudy wrote:
I may have asked this before, and someone may have answered my question. However, I can't remember.

There was a movie that I saw probably 25 or 30 years ago. It's likely that it was a "made for TV film". The story was about a writer, who lived in the eastern part of the United States, who's novel was being adapted into a movie in Hollywood. He flew out there to help in the filming of it, leaving his family behind for what was only supposed to be a short time. However, he became caught up with the Hollywood life, and stayed there much longer than what was planned. Life in Hollywood was like a narcotic for him, it consumed him, and eventually dragged his life into one of despair.

Does anyone recall the name of this movie?

Sounds like Fitzgerald's real life. Of course, his wife was in the nut house.

I don't think that's the name of the movie I'm looking for... :lol:

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