liljol wrote:
Hells bells. Was someone expecting A.A. Milne instead?
In all honesty 12 questions were fine. One was debateable and the remaining two fell outside any definition of literary that would communicate any generally accepted definition of the term. I doubt even Grisham and Cornwell would claim that they produce literature. That's not even snobbery. Great storytellers, like Grisham is and Cornwell may very well be (no idea personally), are to be honest somewhat rarer and therefore somehwat more precious a commodity than great literary writers.
And make no mistake I'm not whining about points here either. I nailed the Grisham AND the Stephen King Qs and blew Daniel Deronda for 85pts or so well after 3rd clue. It doesn't stop Deronda being literature and Runaway Jury being fiction just because I knew the latter and not the former.