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 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 12:06 pm 
Cuboctahedral Faces

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MiniYoda wrote:
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to break my promise of not posting on this site. I feel I must respond to a message.

In an earlier post which has since been erased by Scar, Mr. Obvious said:
And he has the balls to throw insinuations at uFshman?????? Sorry buddy, I reached my limit. I hope Fshman doesn't see Yoda for a while. Even though I'm 6' 1" 285# ex college linebacker, I'm not sure I could hold him off of him...

It amazes me that someone who considers himself an adult would result to the same cyber-bullying shown by 6th graders. REALLY? You have to resort to verbal threats about your stature and that you would not prevent someone from attacking me? I have NEVER shown any hint of violence toward anyone at trivia. The worst I've ever done is a high-five loud enough to scare three months out of the life of the bar tender. I've never seen FSHMAN hint at violence, so what makes you think he would come after me? Are you suggesting you will make him come over and attack me? Am I looking at a 2 against 1 bar fight? Although I consider this matter closed, I do take your threat VERY seriously.

I play trivia once every two months with Cloudy when he comes in from New York. I go out on date-night with my wife every other week, and most of those times we play trivia at one of three different places (Old Chicago Stoneybrook, 30Red and Bungalow Joe's). On the rare chance that you and I are at the same place and time, let it be said publicly:

1) I do expect a beating from you and FSHMAN, but at trivia, as each of you alone are far better at trivia than my wife and I are together.
2) I expect you to not make any verbal contact with me. If you ignore this request, I will do what I can to ensure that my date with my wife is uninterrupted, which includes asking you to leave my table, asking the staff and owner to escort you away, and me leaving the facility.
3) Should you resort to any physical contact, I will do all I can to end things quickly. Again I will resort to all non-violent methods to end a confrontation, but will resort to whatever it takes to be left alone. And for the record, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, Mr. Ex-Football Player, it's the size of the fight in the dog. pretty sure what I said to you was a 'warning' to you to stay away from Fshman for a while, not a threat. I've NEVER seen him so pissed in the15 years I've known him, because of your "outside BT" comment. You and I both know their will be NO confrontation between you and me...... SIR.... your dog in the fight would be a poodle (you) vs. a Rottweiler (me), NUFSAID...Please REREAD my post. Your big problem ISNT with me, unless YOU make it so.There is WAY WAY to much specualtion and guessing about what people are or have done playing trivia on here and you attacked a guy that didn't deserve it so I defended him, and will continue to do so if so prompted. Yoda you should not only understand but RESPECT and desire to have a friend who not only will stand behind you but also stand in front of you when needed. I'm toning down my posts for the request of my good friends Scar and Dante, and I would defend those 2 guys also in same manner and they know that. To be straight up, you and Cards BOTH owe Fshman an apology, regardless of what you think is proof of fact, because almost ALL of your speculation and conjecture is incorrect.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:19 pm 
Golden Tee Master
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Again, show me the post I need to apologize for. You cannot post on here without insulting someone. Now Yoda is a poodle? What happened to the rules on this forum???

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:23 pm 
King or Queen Postsalot
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cards wrote:
Again, show me the post I need to apologize for. You cannot post on here without insulting someone. Now Yoda is a poodle? What happened to the rules on this forum???

The poodle ate them. :lol:

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't resist. If anything, I blame the rottweiler. ;)

-- RWM

"...It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED...."

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:54 pm 
Lotsa Posta

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I have no need to stay away from fshman. I am not in fear of him. Yes, I have heard of things about him outside of BT, but I have heard a lot of things about people all the time. Even Cloudy as told me negative things about himself. I have no proof of anything, and even if I did, it's totally none of my business. That's why I didn't spread anything about what I heard. I did state "I know something about him outside of BT but wouldn't discuss it on here", and every person on this board is in agreement that it would be stupid and pointless to do so.

Yes, I don't have a problem with you. Never had, never will. It was YOU who came on this site with no reason other than to trash talk people. You were the one who came on here and made yourself look bad. I had nothing to do with that. My beef was, is, and always will be with FSHMAN and his use of Buzztime to spread his political agenda by using F BUSH, F GOP, and other names....and ONLY that. He went around town visiting every trivia bar at the start of the month, scoring high scores at every bar and putting names with anti Republican agenda. For all to see......Louisville residents and visitors. Want to know how great that made this city look? THAT is what I have against him. I don't care about Republican or Democrat. I cared about how stupid it made trivia players in Louisville looked with his antics. He continued his antics with "cheating the system" in ways I don't understand but many people on this site do. They complained to Buzztime (not me) with the proof (for which I had none), and Buzztime fixed their system so that he couldn't have so many accounts and couldn't create negative names. The negative names all over town stopped!

Let's try another comparison, shall we? Remember when I compared you to a 6th grader with your cyber-bulling? Well, think about this. FSHMAN got caught cheating. All of his school friends caught him cheating. And they told the principal, who put down the punishment. Now, instead of talking to his school buddies about what he did, he goes to his big brother, the mean 6th grade football player, to get after us.

If FSHMAN needs defending on his creating accounts for a political agenda, as well as the accusations of cheating by others on this site (again, I never accused him of cheating), let him create an account and DEFEND HIMSELF. If he doesn't have a computer, there are plenty at the library. Or he could use your's. I don't question that he could create an account on this site....hell, how many accounts has he created on Buzztime? Let him come on here and defend himself and his actions. He doesn't need a big brother speaking for himself, he's a grown man. He doesn't need to hide behind you, let him speak for himself. If he won't get on here because can't take the flame job that he will get, then that in itself speaks loudly. Personally, I could care less if he does sign on here or not. I DON'T CARE IF HE SIGNS ON HERE OR NOT. I was, am and always will be against his desire to spread negative propaganda of political views throughout the Buzztime system at expense of Buzztime and the bars that were paying for the trivia system. That's been stopped, and Buzztime fixed a major issue with their system because of him. I'm okay with things now. I never wanted to get into any fight with you, him, or anyone else. But when you threatened me and got me into this, I had to respond.

Again, I would like to consider this matter case-closed. If you need to reply, go ahead. I'm not going to pick a fight with you, him or anyone, but I will defend myself.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:04 pm 
Lotsa Posta

Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:55 pm
Posts: 733
After that last email, I wonder how long until the accounts FYODA start showing up in Louisville

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:13 pm 
Golden Tee Master
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One last post, only because someone should put an end to these threads. You made the comment, I'm toning down my posts for NOW . Does that mean you will be spewing more of your garbage in the future. Will we be blessed with more of your sports trash talk. I only bring this up because most of this has been hurled in my direction for no good reason. Several people on here in the last two years have done a lot to defend FSHMAN as a person and a player outside of the things Buzztime found him guilty of doing. In one day, you have managed to destroy most of that goodwill. (By the way, there is a post from Buzztime on here about the stuff he was doing and how they corrected the situation.) In one day, you have managed to make Louisville trivia players look worse than they really are in the eyes of other players that live out of town. You are not going to understand what I am about to say and at this point I don't even care what you think. There are people out there that have played trivia for over 20 years. You call them elitists. All anyone wants is for everyone to play by the rules. No gaming of the system. They want the leaderboards on the website to show true numbers. Not some person stuffing 20+ names out there. A few people have tried this. I say shame on Buzztime for allowing this to happen. I guess they have bigger issues on their plate. So, the only thing left is for some on here to catch the gamers and try to put an end to it. As nice a person FSHMAN is and as great a player he is (I believe all of this), he was caught gaming the system. You can blame me all you want. Make up things about me all you want. But, the fact is he did game the system with 30+ player handles.
Sure, some of these guys are going to brag about their scores all the time. Big deal, at least they are playing straight up. Jerks or not, they earned my respect and the respect of the community. Like it or not, you and FSHMAN are part of that community. Learn to live in it or move on.
One last point since you brought up Jesse and Cloudy. I have no time or respect for folks that are unable to act civil in a bar or restaurant. Many a night I watched Jesse treat non-trivia players with little respect. It gave other trivia players a bad name. Most of the time I doubt he even knew what he was doing. But, that does not give him a license to do it. There are people out there that don't like me because I didn't like Jesse.. That doesn't bother me what they think. I have my opinions and they have theirs. Life goes on. Whatever issues I had with Cloudy are long gone. These days he is a pretty straight up guy. A guy anyone would want to play trivia with or hang out with. I believe Cloudy sees the world differently these days.
So, do your worst on here or out there. You have a nice history of spreading crap and talking smack. This is Scar's site. If he allows it, so be it. Several times I have said FSHMAN is a great person and one of the best players around. I see no need to apologize.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:08 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:36 am
Posts: 113
So Buzztime won't allow F anything accounts anymore? I guess you can still change your display name to F whatever before you go out and play?

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:52 pm 
Himself Fodder

Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:20 pm
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There are some things that MROBVS doesn't seem to understand.

1, this is a trivia board, we discuss trivia. We rarely discuss life outside trivia. So we simply don't care if FSHMAN is a good person or not. Naturally we hope him and everybody is, but for the purposes of this board, it simply does not matter. All that matters is trivia.

2, one of the many purposes of this board is to join players together in a national discussion, we know who the top dogs are across the continent. People that just play locally and only interact with those at one or a few sites simply do not understand the size and scope of the BT community.

3, we have proof that FSHMAN has cheated on multiple occasions, a fact that MROBVS continues to overlook and state exactly the opposite. Once he admits cheating has occurred, then perhaps we can move forward.

4, say what you want about FSHMAN being a good person, but when someone goes into multiple locations and intentionally antagonizes half of the players with multiple political handles, he's just asking for trouble. And that's exactly what he's getting from the national player population. Regardless, he is certainly not a saint.

So what happens when FSHMAN cheats and his partner comes here and starts insulting nationally recognized players? It reflects poorly on the entire trivia community of Louisville. But these two don't care about that because they are merely two big fish in an extremely small pond that is Louisville. They play their little games during the day against next to no competition having their fun with multiple handles and repeat games, but then they run for the hills when the real big dogs come out to play the specialty and premium games.

So when was the last time the two of you actually ranked your location 1st in a game other than LTT, CD, or LS? In other words, when have you won a game with fresh questions? It's really not that hard to win games, hell, there are quite a few players here that rank their location 1st playing 5 boxes all by their lonesome. Having two people should be a piece of cake for such talented trivia players such as yourselves.

Basically what FSHMAN and MROBVS need to do is shut up, quit fucking with the system, and play trivia against the big dogs. If they are worthy then they'll start earning some respect. But until then they get exactly what they deserve, which is very little.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:39 pm 
King or Queen Postsalot

Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:25 pm
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285# are you sure you are not 7'1"

Buzztime is a company full of dumbshits.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:21 am 
Sir or Dame Postsalot
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-BO- wrote:
So when was the last time the two of you actually ranked your location 1st in a game other than LTT, CD, or LS? In other words, when have you won a game with fresh questions? It's really not that hard to win games, hell, there are quite a few players here that rank their location 1st playing 5 boxes all by their lonesome. Having two people should be a piece of cake for such talented trivia players such as yourselves.

In all fairness, BO, point to five times in the past six months that one player, solo, has won Six or Showdown. I'll be happy to look at the links if you have them.

It's happened in the past, but it's a rare feat accomplished by the very best multi-box players, and I don't think that you can find five instances of a solo multi-box win in the past 78 games of Six and Showdown combined.

Basically what FSHMAN and MROBVS need to do is shut up, quit fucking with the system, and play trivia against the big dogs. If they are worthy then they'll start earning some respect. But until then they get exactly what they deserve, which is very little.

We have common ground on your bolded text I quoted, however.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:14 am 
King or Queen Postsalot

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WB TANAKA wrote:
-BO- wrote:
So when was the last time the two of you actually ranked your location 1st in a game other than LTT, CD, or LS? In other words, when have you won a game with fresh questions? It's really not that hard to win games, hell, there are quite a few players here that rank their location 1st playing 5 boxes all by their lonesome. Having two people should be a piece of cake for such talented trivia players such as yourselves.

In all fairness, BO, point to five times in the past six months that one player, solo, has won Six or Showdown. I'll be happy to look at the links if you have them.

It's happened in the past, but it's a rare feat accomplished by the very best multi-box players, and I don't think that you can find five instances of a solo multi-box win in the past 78 games of Six and Showdown combined.

Basically what FSHMAN and MROBVS need to do is shut up, quit fucking with the system, and play trivia against the big dogs. If they are worthy then they'll start earning some respect. But until then they get exactly what they deserve, which is very little.

We have common ground on your bolded text I quoted, however.

Only SIX and SHOWDOWN count as factors of good scores? Can you hear me now?

Buzztime is a company full of dumbshits.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 7:41 am 
Lord of Scaratings
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cards wrote:
.... This is Scar's site. If he allows it, so be it. Several times I have said FSHMAN is a great person and one of the best players around. I see no need to apologize.

I understand what you mean Bob, but I would like to point out a couple of things.

If I wanted to put out Scar's POV, I would have just created a blog.

This is our site, and my hopes are we could self police, and not ask our volunteer admins to become moderators.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:43 am 
Himself Fodder

Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:20 pm
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WB TANAKA wrote:
In all fairness, BO, point to five times in the past six months that one player, solo, has won Six or Showdown. I'll be happy to look at the links if you have them.

It's happened in the past, but it's a rare feat accomplished by the very best multi-box players, and I don't think that you can find five instances of a solo multi-box win in the past 78 games of Six and Showdown combined.

As LEWSER said, I'm not just talking about SIX or SD, I'm talking about all specialty/premium games. In other words, games with (in theory) fresh questions. Not LTT where blocks of questions repeat every week.

But I'm pretty sure MEGUMI has soloed SIX this year, also think he's done PB as well. Also know a one-man team has won Topix twice this year.

Part of my point was this forum has a ton of absolute top notch players, when a newbie comes on and starts gushing about how good so-and-so is, we're just going to chuckle, shake our heads and move on.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:04 am 
King or Queen Postsalot
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GOD in Salisbury MD at BWW won Wed SIX east bar score a few days ago. He was basically solo. BEA was there, sort of, mostly talking with a friend, didn't help with any answers...he says. GOD had the top 5 boxes there so I'd give it to him.

BUD - Stained Glass Pub Silver Spring MD
OC BUD - Grotto Pizza DE near Ocean City MD

LET'S GO ....Orioles!!!!

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:14 pm 
Golden Tee Master
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scar wrote:
cards wrote:
.... This is Scar's site. If he allows it, so be it. Several times I have said FSHMAN is a great person and one of the best players around. I see no need to apologize.

I understand what you mean Bob, but I would like to point out a couple of things.

If I wanted to put out Scar's POV, I would have just created a blog.

This is our site, and my hopes are we could self police, and not ask our volunteer admins to become moderators.

Well, in a monetary sense it is your site. :P

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:33 pm 
Golden Tee Master
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Also, most things have been respectful on here since the Mr. Ale\political thread fiasco of 2011. Sorry Adam for using the "A" word. :)

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:49 pm 
Sir or Dame Postsalot
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BUD wrote:
GOD in Salisbury MD at BWW won Wed SIX east bar score a few days ago. He was basically solo. BEA was there, sort of, mostly talking with a friend, didn't help with any answers...he says. GOD had the top 5 boxes there so I'd give it to him.

There were 13 boxes in play at Hard Times Germantown last Wednesday, eight over 60,000 and all over 44,000: ... 1023170000

That's really not "basically solo." Furthermore, the site was only fifth in the east: ... view=sites


BUD, I know your perception...but it's nowhere near a solo number one from the looks of the stats.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:30 pm 
Sir or Dame Postsalot
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-BO- wrote:
WB TANAKA wrote:
In all fairness, BO, point to five times in the past six months that one player, solo, has won Six or Showdown. I'll be happy to look at the links if you have them.

It's happened in the past, but it's a rare feat accomplished by the very best multi-box players, and I don't think that you can find five instances of a solo multi-box win in the past 78 games of Six and Showdown combined.

As LEWSER said, I'm not just talking about SIX or SD, I'm talking about all specialty/premium games. In other words, games with (in theory) fresh questions. Not LTT where blocks of questions repeat every week.

But I'm pretty sure MEGUMI has soloed SIX this year, also think he's done PB as well. Also know a one-man team has won Topix twice this year.

Part of my point was this forum has a ton of absolute top notch players, when a newbie comes on and starts gushing about how good so-and-so is, we're just going to chuckle, shake our heads and move on.

BO, I'm not sure that once you get away from Showdown and Six that you avoid repeats...look at Pastimes just this week, where I've heard allegations of repeat questions and where I know that there were enough perfect scores (60 in the East, 12 in the West) to suggest repeats.

I see a Six win at Runyon's from before the past six months this year. Usually MEGUMI plays solo there. Candidly, I don't dispute that MEGUMI can occasionally win Six solo.

But you wrote, "In other words, when have you won a game with fresh questions? It's really not that hard to win games, hell, there are quite a few players here that rank their location 1st playing 5 boxes all by their lonesome."

There are only two general trivia games with near-guaranteed fresh questions: Showdown and Six. I don't see "quite a few" players beating the big city teams at those games: I see MEGUMI able to do it on occasion, but not once in the past six months. I checked the past six months before I posted using Don Denton's site, cross-checked against game records. I can't promise that I eliminated all chances of multi-boxing, but I saw no evident cases of a solo player leading the US in Six or Showdown.

I also don't see blocks of repeat questions as the norm in LTT, CD, or LS. I do acknowledge that repeat questions play a big role for players with P+ Points in the eight-digit range, and I do acknowledge that blocks of repeats play a role. (See BWW Joplin, MO on September 14 LTT with 61 Gold Medals in three hours; see Boogies Diner over a recent period of weeks that boosted them to fourth in the nation via repeats. Both of those prove your point as exceptions, BO, but they're not necessarily the rule.)

My point, BO: it IS that hard to win Premium Games. I assure you that I can't win Six or Showdown solo...and I've won Six (East) twice this year (high team/high individual) and I've once upon a time finished first on a team that won Showdown. But in each of those games I was on the road, teaming with other VERY good players. I strongly disagree that it's reasonable to expect two players to win a significant Premium Game to prove their skill. I'd like to give newbies, in particular, a chance to prove themselves: if somebody with fewer than a million P+ Points is knocking off medals at a fast-but-not-too-fast rate, maybe we should meet them and see how they do face-to-face before cutting them down.

As long as they're respecting the other players and not cheating.


Here, however, BO, you were the voice of reason in every other respect, standing up for the established community against a flaming fucking asshole.* That's why I've measured my words on our very narrow disagreement: on the whole here you were not only right, you were heroic.

Peace, BO. Thanks for reading my position.

* Moderators: Given recent standards of posting I find myself confused as to possible limits on vocabulary, so I have chosen the most precise words to express my meaning. My apologies in advance if these words violate some standard, and your choice to edit or delete the asterisked words is respected if necessary. Thank you, as always, for allowing me as a member of your community.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:59 pm 
King or Queen Postsalot

Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:25 pm
Posts: 1028
WB TANAKA wrote:
BUD wrote:
GOD in Salisbury MD at BWW won Wed SIX east bar score a few days ago. He was basically solo. BEA was there, sort of, mostly talking with a friend, didn't help with any answers...he says. GOD had the top 5 boxes there so I'd give it to him.

There were 13 boxes in play at Hard Times Germantown last Wednesday, eight over 60,000 and all over 44,000: ... 1023170000

That's really not "basically solo." Furthermore, the site was only fifth in the east: ... view=sites


BUD, I know your perception...but it's nowhere near a solo number one from the looks of the stats.

Where did he say Hard Times? I swear you start typing your 8 pages of response without reading what he wrote. I will repeat this for you, GOD in Salisbury, MD NOT Gaithesburg. I swear you are more concerned with your message that you don't pay attention to the actual details. Just to the record I won the newspaper game on Monday twice this year, but that doesn't matter does it?

Buzztime is a company full of dumbshits.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:21 pm 
Sir or Dame Postsalot
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lewser wrote:
WB TANAKA wrote:
BUD wrote:
GOD in Salisbury MD at BWW won Wed SIX east bar score a few days ago. He was basically solo. BEA was there, sort of, mostly talking with a friend, didn't help with any answers...he says. GOD had the top 5 boxes there so I'd give it to him.

There were 13 boxes in play at Hard Times Germantown last Wednesday, eight over 60,000 and all over 44,000: ... 1023170000

That's really not "basically solo." Furthermore, the site was only fifth in the east: ... view=sites


BUD, I know your perception...but it's nowhere near a solo number one from the looks of the stats.

Where did he say Hard Times? I swear you start typing your 8 pages of response without reading what he wrote. I will repeat this for you, GOD in Salisbury, MD NOT Gaithesburg. I swear you are more concerned with your message that you don't pay attention to the actual details. Just to the record I won the newspaper game on Monday twice this year, but that doesn't matter does it?

I merely responded with respect to the site where BUD had played the game in question, given that he was describing the game in detail with respect to who was there and how much help the known second serious player had provided.

Too subtle for you, LEWSER? Let me be blunt:

BUD wasn't there, and AT LEAST two players were logged in. IT'S NOT SOLO.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:49 pm 
King or Queen Postsalot

Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:25 pm
Posts: 1028
WB TANAKA wrote:

There were 13 boxes in play at Hard Times Germantown last Wednesday, eight over 60,000 and all over 44,000: ... 1023170000

That's really not "basically solo." Furthermore, the site was only fifth in the east: ... view=sites


BUD, I know your perception...but it's nowhere near a solo number one from the looks of the stats.

Where did he say Hard Times? I swear you start typing your 8 pages of response without reading what he wrote. I will repeat this for you, GOD in Salisbury, MD NOT Gaithesburg. I swear you are more concerned with your message that you don't pay attention to the actual details. Just to the record I won the newspaper game on Monday twice this year, but that doesn't matter does it?[/quote]

I merely responded with respect to the site where BUD had played the game in question, given that he was describing the game in detail with respect to who was there and how much help the known second serious player had provided.

Too subtle for you, LEWSER? Let me be blunt:

BUD wasn't there, and AT LEAST two players were logged in. IT'S NOT SOLO.[/quote]

Then why do you show links to his bar, when another bar was the one he stated was solo? I think you type to hear yourself type. So, if I run five boards, that doesn't mean more than one played. So, I guess my victory with me running 6 boards on the Monday game earlier this year doesn't count as a solo victory, because others were logged in?

Buzztime is a company full of dumbshits.

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:00 pm 
Sir or Dame Postsalot
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lewser wrote:
So, I guess my victory with me running 6 boards on the Monday game earlier this year doesn't count as a solo victory, because others were logged in?

If the six accounts are known to be yours by others, there's a presumption that you're playing them all.

BEA isn't GOD's account, BEA usually teams with GOD, and BEA scored 45,773...a score suggesting a distraction, if in company with 62,000 scores, but presence and assistance for most of the game.

Furthermore, GOD does play alone enough that we have a record of his scores in the past six months with and without BEA...candidly, although he's cracked top ten apparently solo, he's always been well back of the leaders 'til this past week.


But congratulations on your Monday victory in whatever game. I don't believe for a moment those who belittle all West scores--I'm sure that you did an absolutely great job. Kudos. Well done. Superb! Fantastic!

 Post subject: Thank you...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:18 pm 
King or Queen Postsalot
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cards wrote:
Life goes on. Whatever issues I had with Cloudy are long gone. These days he is a pretty straight up guy. A guy anyone would want to play trivia with or hang out with. I believe Cloudy sees the world differently these days.

Thank you, Bob, you have no idea how happy it makes me to read what you have just posted. I was an ass, but I think I have learned, and will do my best not to become an ass again.

We need to work on "The Mellow Mushroom" on Blankenbaker to get them to put trivia in. I'll be back in Louisville tomorrow (Providing the plane doesn't crash.) :lol: and maybe we can get together and talk to the manager about it sometime, when it is convenient for both of us.

"The game is afoot."

 Post subject: "Blessed are the peacemakers"...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:45 pm 
King or Queen Postsalot
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"Blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9)

If you knew my religious beliefs, you would all condem me to Hell, which is probably where I'm going anyway. However, as unreligious as I am in the traditional sense, I think Matthew makes a good point. I believe the time has come for all of this acrimony to come to an end. Life is too short to waste it on the bickering that this thread has gone off on.

Here's some real biblical stuff to think about:

"The game is afoot."

 Post subject: Re: New Trivia Bar in Louisville
PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:08 pm 
King or Queen Postsalot
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WB TANAKA wrote:
BUD wrote:
GOD in Salisbury MD at BWW won Wed SIX east bar score a few days ago. He was basically solo. BEA was there, sort of, mostly talking with a friend, didn't help with any answers...he says. GOD had the top 5 boxes there so I'd give it to him.

There were 13 boxes in play at Hard Times Germantown last Wednesday, eight over 60,000 and all over 44,000: ... 1023170000

That's really not "basically solo." Furthermore, the site was only fifth in the east: ... view=sites


BUD, I know your perception...but it's nowhere near a solo number one from the looks of the stats.

Come on Bill, really? Were you that confused that you mistook Salisbury MD for Germantown MD? I thought you were pretty handy with maps? And Hardtimes for a BWW?

I know full well Hardtimes was 5th East last Wed. We play a live trivia game at the same time as SIX so we do miss or are slow on a few SIX questions. Still 5th isn't bad. We saw BWW Salisbury at #1, after live trivia I texted GOD to congratulate him and he filled me in on the game.

What it clearly says above is that GOD, not BUD or any other Hardtimes handles, but GOD had a solo multi box win in East SIX.
BEA was there at the BWW talking with a non BT playing friend and BEA offered NO answers at all. (clearly stated above) But did half heatedly push whatever button GOD told her to push, not doing that very well because she was not paying attention to the game.

So, I don't understand why you would think I didn't know what I was talking about...that was pretty rude on your part. Then for you to get the wrong bar and cite the wrong stats like I was just lying is bewildering.

GOD had a solo bar score win, even you can't take that away from him. GOD will punish you for such Blasphemy. :mrgreen:

BUD - Stained Glass Pub Silver Spring MD
OC BUD - Grotto Pizza DE near Ocean City MD

LET'S GO ....Orioles!!!!

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